Singing Guide: The Decemberists

Singing Guide: The Decemberists

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in learning to sing like the Decemberists, there are a few specific techniques to focus on. Colin Meloy, the lead singer of the folk-rock band, has a unique voice that is both powerful and vulnerable. His voice often incorporates a wide range of dynamics, going from soft to loud and back again seamlessly. Here are some tips to help you develop a similar style:

  1. Focus on developing your breath control: Colin Meloy's vocals often require him to hold notes for a long time, and this requires excellent breath control. Try doing exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise to help develop better breath control.

  2. Practice singing in your head voice: Colin Meloy often sings in his head voice, which gives his vocals a lighter, more vulnerable quality. Experiment with singing in your head voice to develop this technique.

  3. Learn to sing with vibrato: Vibrato is a vocal technique that involves a slight, rapid variation in pitch. This is often used to add expressiveness to a vocal line, and Colin Meloy uses vibrato frequently. Check out the Singing Carrots video on singing with vibrato to learn more.

  4. Work on your diction: The Decemberists are known for their lyricism and storytelling, so it's important to focus on your diction to ensure that your lyrics are clear and affecting. The Singing Carrots article on articulation is an excellent resource for this.

  5. Experiment with your vocal range: The Decemberists often use harmonies, so it's important to be comfortable singing in a variety of ranges. Start by taking the Singing Carrots vocal range test to get a sense of your range, and then experiment with singing outside of your comfort zone.

To develop your skills further, take advantage of Singing Carrots' many resources. Check out the vocal range test to determine your range, use the pitch accuracy test to work on your pitch, and explore the artist vocal ranges to see where you fit in. The pitch training module can also help you develop your pitch accuracy and agility, and the singing course will teach you the fundamentals of singing theory and practical tips. Finally, use the song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference, and the songbook to create your performance set with linked lyrics, sheet music, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.